Dr. Lenore Millian

How Marriage Counseling Strengthens Bonds Between Couples

Couples therapy or marriage therapy can be very helpful for those couples who have certain problems in their marriage. Asking for professional assistance can enhance emotional connectedness and enhance negotiation between the two lovers.

Improved Communication

Marriage counseling is primarily about helping couples to enhance their communication skills. To do so, a counselor assists the couples in managing their emotions and saying what they need and what concerns them appropriately. Techniques such as active listening help couples communicate more effectively. They acquire competencies in how to discuss difficult matters without criticism or contempt. It results in increased openness and reduced frustration.

Increased Intimacy

Marriage counseling is useful in that it promotes trust and honest communication between people who are involved in the marriage, thus enhancing emotional closeness. It makes the couples closer when they understand each other even at a personal level and when they share their innermost thoughts and feelings. Huffs disappearing and the sense of jealousy or loneliness is no longer an issue. Partners feel respected and understood and this fosters togetherness in the partnership.

Healthier Conflict Resolution

All couples quarrel sometimes, but marriage counseling helps the couple learn how to engage in constructive conflict. Unlike in conflict escalation or instances of conflict termination, couples are taught how to accommodate each other and come up with the best ways of handling issues without having to be aggressive with each other. This ensures that minor issues do not lead to escalation to a higher level. Teamwork is formed from partners and they begin to solve problems together.

Renewed Commitment

Spousal therapy is helpful in cases where the couple’s commitment has diminished over time due to unsolved issues. It’s easier for couples to refresh their relationship if they focus on the relationship and work on ways to solve the existing issues. They come out even more resolved towards cultivating the relationship they have and committed to their future together as a couple.


Initial Brief Consultation is Free

Inquiries are welcome and are personally answered by Dr. Millian, Psychologist and Marriage/Couples Counselor, Connecticut and Bergen County, NJ. For a prompt response please call or text her at 203-313-1208.