Dr. Lenore Millian

About Dr. Millian

About Dr. Millian, Couples Therapist in Fairfield County, CT and Bergen County, NJ

I am an internationally recognized psychologist and marriage therapist with over 28 years of experience. My expertise extends to helping individuals and couples overcome significant obstacles, such as stress, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and low self-esteem, regardless of their sexual orientation.

The author of “THE SECOND WIVES CLUB: Secrets for Becoming Lovers for Life,” a book that draws on my extensive experience working with “second-time-around” couples, both straight and gay. My work has been endorsed by renowned experts such as Dr. John Gray, author of “MEN ARE FROM MARS: WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS,” and Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., author of “LOVE IS LETTING GO OF FEAR” and “FORGIVENESS.”

Trained by leading experts in various modalities, I offer a range of therapeutic strategies tailored to each client’s needs. My training includes Psychodynamic Therapy (New York Institute for Psychotherapy), Behavioral Therapy (under Dr. Arnold Lazarus, founder of Behavior Modification and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Rutgers University), Rational-Emotive Therapy (Dr. Albert Ellis), and ongoing professional development.

In my practice, I create a respectful and supportive environment where clients—whether straight or gay—can discuss their challenges openly. I take an active, solution-oriented approach, guiding clients to gain self-insight and apply these insights to their daily lives. Together, we will establish goals and develop practical solutions to help you regain control and achieve a more satisfying and peaceful life.

Knowledge is a powerful tool for transformation, and I am dedicated to empowering you with the understanding needed to effect meaningful change.

— Dr. Lenore Millian


  • Licensed Psychologist – N.J. Board of Psychological Examiners License #1998 to Practice Psychology 1984
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Connecticut 1984
  • Post Doctoral, New York Institute for Psychotherapy, New York, NY 1992
  • D. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 1982
  • A. The New School University, New York, NY 1979
  • A. Douglass College, New Brunswick, NJ 1976

Therapies Provided by Dr. Lenore Millian

Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling is a therapeutic process designed to help couples navigate challenges and improve their relationship. Through open communication, conflict resolution strategies, and emotional support, couples work with me to strengthen their connection and build a foundation for a more resilient and fulfilling partnership.

Couples Counseling and Couples Therapy

Couples counseling, or couples therapy, is a specialized form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving the dynamics and communication between partners in a relationship. As a therapist, I guide couples through discussions, exercises, and interventions to foster better understanding, resolve conflicts, and enhance the overall quality of their relationship.

Divorce Counseling

Divorce counseling supports individuals or couples in navigating the emotional and practical challenges associated with the decision to end their marriage. In my divorce counseling sessions, I teach one or both partners strategies for managing a past relationship and a possible future relationship as ex-spouses. I provide a safe space for them to express their feelings and develop coping strategies as they navigate the complexities of divorce.

Second Marriage Counseling

Second marriage counseling is aimed at couples who are embarking on a new marital journey after experiencing a previous divorce or loss. It is tailored to address unique challenges such as blending families, trust issues, and lessons learned from prior relationships. My experience as a second wife, along with my training in remarriage marital counseling, helps me in guiding couples in fostering understanding and communication, and building a strong foundation for a successful second marriage.

Step-Parent Counseling

Step-parent counseling assists people working through the complexities of integrating into a blended family. Through specialized guidance, I help step-parents explore challenges related to role definition, communication, and relationship-building. This fosters a supportive environment to strengthen their bonds with both their partner and stepchildren.

Communication Skills Counseling

Communication skills counseling enhances an individual’s or a couple’s ability to express thoughts, emotions, and needs effectively. I provide my clients with customized guidance and exercises that help them develop active listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution skills, which lead to healthier and more meaningful connections in both personal and professional relationships.

Individual Psychotherapy

I am well-known in CT and NJ as a Psychologist whose success can be attributed to caring, compassion and over 28 years of solid experience. In addition, I’ve been trained by teachers of excellence in various modalities. Therefore, I am able to draw from different therapy strategies and so doing can offer the most appropriate method(s) for the individual client.

Behavior Therapy

I have been personally trained by award-winning psychologist and author, Dr. Arnold Lazarus, a pioneer in “Behavior Therapy.” This modality is a powerful tool to help you effect positive changes in behavior and achieve success in the goals you have set for yourself.

Psychodynamic Therapy

I received my training in this area at the renowned New York Institute for Psychotherapy. The basic tenet of this mode of counseling is that it is insight-oriented therapy that focuses on the psychological roots of one’s emotions in order to understand and get past the turmoil of earlier times. Knowledge is power.

Cognitive Therapy

This is a successful tool in helping a client change his/her way of thinking and responding. It is very effective and long lasting in making changes in the thinking process. The therapy is goal-oriented and the psychologist is solution-focused to enable you to address your personal goals. This type of counseling is short-term, averaging 12 sessions per client.


What Can You Expect During Therapy?

The most important thing to expect during psychological treatment is that a relationship of mutual trust and respect that is critical will be established between therapist and client. These two elements – trust and respect – are the foundation of any relationship and fundamental to successful therapy.


Other Credits as a Marriage Counselor and Psychologist

  • Throughout my career as a marriage counselor and psychologist, I have authored numerous articles for magazines and newspapers, and co-authored “THE SECOND WIVES CLUB: Secrets for Becoming Lovers for Life,” a book on couples’ relationship therapy.

    I have been featured as a psychologist on over 30 radio talk shows and 12 television programs, including The Today Show, CBS-TV News, ABC Eyewitness News, and NEWS12, discussing topics related to couples therapy and second marriages.

    I wrote a column titled “Ask a Psychotherapist” for The Danbury News-Times in Danbury, CT. In my role as a counselor, I have guided individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, during challenging times in their lives.

Initial Brief Consultation is Free

Inquiries are welcome and are personally answered by Dr. Millian, Psychologist and Marriage/Couples Counselor, Connecticut and Bergen County, NJ. For a prompt response please call or text her at 203-313-1208.