Dr. Lenore Millian

“How Can I Discipline My Stepkids?”

This is a typical problem in second marriages, where stepfamilies and stepchildren are often involved. Read the answer by a second-marriage expert, Ph.D., psychologist, a marriage counselor in NJ, and author of The Second Wives Club, Lenore Millian:

Q: When my husband’s kids from his previous marriage act up, he says l can discipline them, but I worry that if I do, they won’t want to be around me!

Lenore Millian: Your stepchildren will not cast you aside if you discipline them with firmness and love. It shows you care. They need to know and respect your limits so they’ll have structure and consistency. First, you and your husband should make the children aware of the house rules, together. Then, be sure they understand the consequences of misbehavior. Two effective discipline strategies: timeouts and rewarding good behavior.

Initial Brief Consultation is Free

Inquiries are welcome and are personally answered by Dr. Millian, Psychologist and Marriage/Couples Counselor, Connecticut and Bergen County, NJ. For a prompt response please call or text her at 203-313-1208.